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Shocking Moviez's Guide to File Serving on Invision 2.0

Please be patient while this guide may take up to one minute (or more)


A. Invision 2.0 or later. For the Shocking Moviez Invision script, click here.

B. This guide

C. An Internet connection without a firewall enabled or using a router (except firewall-free routers, most routers have firewalls)


PART I - Getting Invision Set-Up

1. Download Invision 2.0 if you haven't already (download here)

2. Unzip to a directory without any spaces is it (i.e. C:\Invision)

3. Run mirc32.exe and if you have the Shocking Moviez script (get here) you will automatically be connected to the Shocking Moviez channel. If you are using a different version of Invision, go to server: AND channel: #shocking_moviez.


PART II - Getting Invision Set-Up for File Serving

1. In the Invision menu at the top scroll down to "File Server Manager" and click. (Figure 2-1)

(FIG 2-1)

2. The File Server Manager will pop-up. Uncheck "All Channels" so that  people on other channels will not be able to download your files. In the long narrow field at the top, type "#shocking_moviez" and then click "add" to advertise on the Shocking Moviez channel. (Figure 2-2)

(FIG 2-2)

3. The fields at the top let you change the number of people downloading, queued, and accessing your server at the same time.

4. Click on the "Triggers" tab to set up your triggers, or the phrases that will let people access your files. (Figure 2-3)

(FIG 2-3)

5. Under the "Triggers" tab, click "Enable #1" to enable your first trigger. In the white field, type a name for your trigger. (Figure 2-3)

6. To select the directory of the files you want to share, click the three dots (...) after the blank "Root Directory:" field.

7. From that list of your folders, select the folder you want to share, BUT MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO SPACES IN THE PATH NAME! For example: C:\My Movies would be BAD because it has a space between My and Movies. Make the folder you store your movies in something like: C:\Movies.

8. Click the "Rebuild Index" button next to "Enable #1" to tell Invision the list of files in the directory.

9. Click "Apply" at the bottom and go back to the Shocking Moviez Channel window.

10. In the middle of the chat window for #shocking_moviez, right click and a menu will appear. (Figure 2-4)

11. Go to: Server Controls --> File Server --> Start Now to start your file server.

12. This should work, but if you have problems, or have other questions about file sharing, Invision, or anything else, message ion or another OP (the people in yellow, channel operators).


Happy Serving!
